Ali O’Cat

Role within KHCC Rescue: Head Fosterer, Rehoming Manager, Fundraiser, Commander-In-Chief to the “Moons“, Pied Piper to the Ferals.

My fostering journey

How I got into fostering: I was raising funds for another rescue, but had taken in a mom and 2 kittens to help and pay for myself. The vet at White Cross at the time encouraged me to go it alone.   So I did, and soon got a following on KHCC.

My favourite part of rescue: Receiving pictures of all the cats and kittens that we have successfully rehired, and seeing them living like Princes and Princesses.

What I don’t like about rescue: Holding the paw of those too poorly to make it, knowing that is the rescue for them, to be allowed to rest.

Most memorable thing since fostering: Saving Marmalade.

The hardest part: Watching kittens born that you know will never make it, but you have to invest the time and love for their short little lives. Moose!

The Cats: Do you even have to ask this question? Look at their faces! How can you NOT love cats?

What I’d like for the future: I would like investment into properly sorting out the areas that need tnr and for neutering and microchipping to become law unless you’re a licenced breeder.